Try Betatron...
- Mark Bloom
Betatron is a bold and dynamic typeface inspired by sci-fi visions of the near future. What began as a playful type experiment on Instagram quickly grew into a fully realized type family, driven by an enthusiastic response from our followers.
Constructed entirely with vertical, horizontal, and 45° diagonal lines, Betatron captures each letterform in an abstract and dynamic way. Fans of CoType’s retail family Coanda may find Betatron familiar, as both share a similar parametric grid influenced by Wim Crouwel’s New Alphabet. However, Betatron stands apart with its sharper, more daring design.
This type family features a Latin Extended character set, supporting most languages written with the Latin script.
Betatron is free to use under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International license, allowing you to share, copy, and redistribute it for personal or commercial use.
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